Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Terrible Twos

The Artswipe
BRB 2008
la-bamba print, ed: limited
Courtesy Google Images

The Artswipe turns two next week (on the 21st June). I am a Biennale baby - born amid culture two years ago. A difficult birth - shat out completely. To celebrate, I'm thinking of just getting away - you know, getting in the car and just driving, far far away. I might even get as far as Kellyville or Kogarah. I'm sure there are Biennale satellite shows happening in such places and I plan on reviewing the shit out of them.

What I'm trying to say, loyal reader, is I am taking leave for a week or two, and will come back with some Biennale of Sydney coverage. From what I've heard, it's a real sense fest. Like the thematic premise goes: it's a revolution that turns. I'm not sure what it "turns into". Perhaps you can tell me, by posting a comment. Go on, "turn me on". Just don't "turn on me". I couldn't bare it.


Anonymous said...

It's a revolution that turns into...

a whirligig
an avalanche
a t-shirt
a suborbital space tour
an argument (more trouble than it's worth)
a readiness for self-sacrifice
a rout
a slave race
the biggest obstacle to revolution
a multi-breasted corporate woman of saucy, boisterous or carefree behavior
high novelistic drama
a whole year of hard work
the Wheel of Fortune
biodiesel kitsch
a search for scapegoats
a challenge (more trouble than it's worth)
three major categories: misuse, irony and playfulness
the promises of three decades ago
a middle class concern
traditional karaoke
moderate evil incarnate
the First World War
an intellectuals' oligarchy
a triple X rated XXXmas school dance party
the complex realities of Lebanese politics
a plasma TV (with tropes and idioms)
a video game
a toll road
a lumpen proletariat
an e-commerce mammoth
The Blob
a nondescript grey button
a short-lived but severe headache
a decade-long bull market
a constitutional monarchy
big raves
Schappylle Scragg
its ancillary consequence
something better than you thought, but not in the way you
a cul de sac
a revolving door
an auto-blog

Anonymous said...

OMG, I didnt realise this was a porn site, my goodness AS, you are one sexy dude. I am making YOU my new wallpaper on everything, including re- covering ALL of my past issues of ART WORLD, LOOK and MODERN PAINTER, my bedroom walls and ceiling and replacing my wallet wank pic as well. As always A.S. you have made my day.